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TRADEMARK2U是一家专注于全方位的全球知识产权拓展和实施以及管理的知识产权(“IP”)服务公司。我们有来自100多个国家的团队分别处理涉及国内及国际知识产权的工作, 无论客户在哪里,我们都可以为我们的客户提供最直接的高质量服务。


TRADEMARK2U SDN有限公司是成立于2004年,延续了我们在法务方面的实践尤其是在知识产权领域的法务经验。目前我们在中国、马来西亚、泰国和印尼设有公司,主要服务于本地和国际客户。

Our Mission

Our mission is to take a genuine interest in our clients, understand their objectives, and meet or exceed their expectations.

We dedicate ourselves to these values:

To provide a high quality, creative, and result - oriented Intellectual Property (IP) service team to individuals and businesses, and serve as a primaryresource and partner in all aspects of clients' business growth and development.
To provide our clients with a network of innovative I.P. solutions, excellent representation and a dedication to quality customer service.
To represent our clients through quality IP services, and to reach these goals through honest dedication and ethical standards, while maintaining a stable and profitable organisation with the highest reputation.

Our Motto

Turning Ideas Into Wealth.

Our Strengths


Easy access to our encrypted online database to monitor the latest update of clients applications at anytime and anywhere.


A dynamic management team that consists of professional consultants from both law and science backgrounds. Our professionals are trained to assist you in handling all matters concerning your IP rights.


We offer competitive rates for our quality services while re-investing any surplus towards upgrading and improving the quality of services to our clients.

Our Awards

ENTERPRISE 50 2010 & 2011 (E50) Award
The Golden Bull Award 2008 20 emerging SMEs in Malaysia.
BS EN ISO9001: 2008 Quality Management System
The Malaysia Book of Records for being the first ISO9001 certified Intellectual Property Service Company in Malaysia.

Company Profile

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Corporate Video

Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (English version) - click here
Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (Chinese version) - click here